Youth Shooting
Pass it forward

Giving Back
Giving back to the trapshooting community starts by all of us passing it forward in the hopes that we can make the sport better than when we first started.
The Bartholow family, (Bud, Char, Matt and Foster), have all felt that growing the sport and helping youth with clinics is a component that will impact these kids for the rest of their lives.
With the amazing help of dozens of shooters, coaches, and facilities..we are proud to say we will continue passing it forward by hosting FREE shooting clinics for youth, coaches, and parents at venues throughout the US.
These clinics will be open to EVERYONE wanting to attend from any state, because the more knowledge we can all pass forward, the better the sport will be.
Listed below are the venues and dates for the FREE clinics.
If you are not able to attend, we would love to see you at a private clinic that will be tailored for a smaller class setting and more advanced shooting techniques.